How to Register and Verify Account in IQcent

How to Register Account at IQcent
Register Account at IQcent
Registration on the platform is a simple process consisting of just a few clicks.Click "Sign Up"

Please be sure that you fill all data correctly. You have to fill only your real E-mail and Phone Number. In case if you fill incorrect information you may have some troubles with account verification. IQcent is serious finance service and we recommend be honest with them.

After you fill all information you need read Terms and conditions. If you agree with terms and conditions you can click on the check box and "I confirm, this service is provided to me outside USA territory"
then click on the button “Next”.

Now you can trade using Demo Account.
How many Account Types in IQcent?
3 Account Types in IQcent : Bronze, Silver, GoldBronze
- 24/7 live video chat support
- Withdrawals in 1 hour
- Bonus +20%
- Demo account
- Copy Trading tool
- 24/7 live video chat support
- Withdrawals in 1 hour
- Bonus +50%
- Demo account
- Copy Trading tool
- Master class (web session)
- First 3 risk free trades*
- 24/7 live video chat support
- Withdrawals in 1 hour
- Bonus +100%
- Demo account
- Copy Trading tool
- Master class (web session)
- First 3 risk free trades*
- Personal success manager
How to trade on demo account?
To receive demo account access you need to fund your trading account and contact customer support to get an demo account credentials.
How to Verify IQcent account
1. Login IQcent account2. Click Settings —} personal data

If it doesn’t come up right away, refresh or log out and log back in
3. Choose which ID Type you would like to use

- Take a picture of the front of your ID
- Have a solid color background (preferably a neutral color I.e black, brown, white)
- Have good lighting
- Take a picture of the back of your ID
- Have a solid color background (preferably a neutral color I.e black, brown, white)
- Have good lighting
4. Sign the agreement
Make sure the signature is the same or similar to the signature on your ID

5. Click the chat in the bottom right corner
- Click private chat
- Request private chat

6. Once the chat is open type: “Hello, please verify my account”
Keep this page open to allow the chat to message you back.
6.1. If they say documents have not been uploaded:
- Check to see if they have uploaded
- Check to see if the pictures are clear
- Check to see if the signatures match
- Refresh or log out and log back in
- Reopen the private chat
6.2. Type: “Hello, Please verify my account”